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Category Archives: Tools

We stepped back to examine how population changes across Tennessee’s 345 cities and towns have unfolded over this decade and found the state’s midsized cities leading the pack. That comes as Nashville claimed the top spot as the state’s fastest-gaining in 2022 and 2023.

Our new interactive dashboard provides access to the latest U.S. Census Bureau population estimate data. It includes visualizations and key indicators that offer valuable insights into Tennessee’s county-level population trends. Learn more and try it for yourself.

5-year American Community Survey data straight to ArcGIS Pro maps and geodatabases. A new tool from Randy Pullen at the Chattanooga-Hamilton County Regional Planning Agency gets tract-level American Community Survey data directly into ArcGIS Pro.

Maps showing more detailed subcounty population change between decades aren’t very common because revisions Census Bureau’s “tracts” prevent direct comparison. Learn how we produced a nationwide made showing tract-level change last decade.

A new TNSDC web application shows that Tennessee’s 2020 center of population remains located near Murfreesboro in the middle part of the state following the release of updated calculations from the U.S. Census Bureau. Locations for all US states and counties from 2000 to 2020 are featured in the just released site.

We’re excited to celebrate #GISday. The State Data Center uses Geographic Information System (GIS) technology almost every day to help communicate information about Tennessee, our communities and changes occurring across the state.

Want to see how the 2020 Census temporary hiring is affecting employment in your area? A new dashboard from the Tennessee State Data Center shows just how many temporary workers are employed in each state across the nation.

In October, we released the 2018-2070 Boyd Center Population Projections. To help facilitate both access analysis, we published a new population projections dashboard earlier this month.

Population estimates for Tennessee’s 95 counties take center stage in a new dashboard released by the Tennessee State Data Center. It features data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2018 Vintage Population Estimates that were released in April 2019.

The State Data Center has published a new data set showing the location of group quarters in the state; locations and characteristics of college residence halls, nursing homes and correctional facilities are included. When complete, the U.S. Census Bureau will use the data to help ensure a full accounting of residents in these facilities across the state next year.