TNSDC Toplines
8 States Require Personal Finance Classes
to graduate from high school, including Tennessee. A growing number of states (33) now require some exposure to the topic, according to research compiling nationwide curriculum. Other work has shown students’ financial outcomes improved through measures of credit scores, delinquencies, payday borrowing and financing of post-secondary education.
4.3 Percent of Young Tennessee Children
were excluded from the 2020 Census in a new Census Bureau analysis comparing birth records and census counts. Shelby County’s estimated undercount of -6,835 children (-10.5 percent) was the state’s largest and accounted for almost 40 percent of the shortfall. Rankings show Tennessee was mid-pack nationally. An interactive state and county map has more detail.
Featured Tools
County Population Estimate Dashboard
Our County Population Estimates and Components of Change Dashboard provides county- and regional-level population insights from 2020 through the latest year in the estimate series. Data about population and components of change are included, along with regional and state-level tallies of key performance indicators.
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State and National Population Estimates Dashboard (v. 2023)
2023 Core-based Statistical Area Comparison
In July 2023, the White House Office of Management and Budget announced changes to the nation’s Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Area boundaries. This app lets you explore what counties have moved between areas since the last major update in 2018.
Center of Population of U.S. States and Counties
This interactive application shows the mean center of population for each state and county in the U.S. in 2000, 2010 and 2020. The application visualizes the degree of population shift each decade using lines that connect the center to its prior location.