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2021 Data Users Webinar Series

Our fall conference will again be replaced with a series of webinars. We look forward to gathering in 2022.

Event 1

Accessing 2020 Census Redistricting Data

October 27, 2021
11 am EST/ 10 AM CST

Ron Williams
Data Dissemination Specialist
Customer Liaison & Marketing Services Office
Data Dissemination & Training Branch
U.S. Census Bureau

2020 Census Data was published on August 12, 2021 and since that time the U.S. Census Bureau has released a number of tools to view the new statistics and compare it with prior results. In this webinar, Ron Williams, the Census Bureau’s Data Dissemination Specialist for Tennessee and Kentucky, will lead an interactive presentation highlighting several of the Bureau’s websites that showcase the new data.

During the webinar, he’ll review the population and housing characteristics that were released, as well as the various geographic levels at which the data can be accessed. Then he will highlight some of the tools that can be used to view the new information including, QuickFacts and the 2020 Census Demographic Data Map Viewer.

Ron’s insights into both the new redistricting data and the enhancements that have been added to the Bureau’s suite of interactive websites mean that new and experienced Census data users will benefit from the training.

Event 2

Errors in the 2020 Census:  How and When Tennessee Communities Can Request a Decennial Count Review

Thursday, November 18, 2021
2 PM ET/ 1 PM CT

The August 2021 release of the 2020 Census Redistricting Data was anticipated by counties and municipalities across the state. The data are used for legislative redistricting and assessing a decade of population shifts. But, the decennial census numbers are also used to allocate a portion of state revenues to local governments making a review of their quality an equally important post-release activity.

Processing errors can occur in every decennial census. These include missed housing units, population allocated the wrong place and municipal boundary errors. Sometimes there is a wider perception of undercounts in a community. When these issues are encountered, how can they be addressed?
We’ve lined up three speakers to help communities learn about the avenues available to address issues with their 2020 census counts and gauge the potential benefit of doing so. These include a review the Census Bureau’s 2020 census challenge program, the State of Tennessee’s Special Census Program and annual revenue projections useful in estimating per capita state-shared revenues.

Topics and Presenters

2020 Census Count Question Resolution Operation

Matthew Frates
Branch Chief
Count Question Resolution Branch
Decennial Census Management Division
U.S. Census Bureau

Tennessee Special Census Program

Tecora Murray
Research Manager
Center for Economic Research in Tennessee (CERT)
Tennessee Department of Economic & Community Development

2021-2022 State-Shared Revenue Forecast

Brad Harris
Finance and Accounting Consultant
Municipal Technical Advisory Service
University of Tennessee Institute for Public Service