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In addition to its historic role of disseminating Census data, our affiliate network provides guidance, technology, tools and expertise to local data users across Tennessee.

Members in the TNSDC affiliate network provide localized assistance to Census data users. They lead the state’s data dissemination activities at the local level. Affiliates are familiar with the needs of their service area and the data resources that are pertinent their clientele.

TNSDC Affiliate Partnerships

The State Data Center and its affiliates work collaboratively by participating in the design, input and testing of products, programs, technologies and services offered by the TNSDC and the Census Bureau. They also act as a source of feedback about statistics, programs, data users’ needs and operational issues.

The benefits of being an affiliate include:

  • Affiliate agencies are listed as premier local partners of the U.S. Census Bureau.
  • Direct connections with subject matter experts and researchers at the Tennessee State Data Center.
  • Special training on products and tools through added sessions at our annual conference

TNSDC Affiliate List

Agency Contact Mail address Phone
City of Memphis, Office of Performance Management Ryan Hanson 170 North Main Street
Memphis, TN 38103
(901) 636-7319
Chattanooga-Hamilton County Regional Planning Agency Yuen Lee 1250 Market Street, Suite 2000
Chattanooga, TN  37402
(423) 757-5216
East Tennessee Development District Rick Yakubic P.O. Box 249
Alcoa, TN  37701
(865) 273-6003
First Tennessee Development District Ken Rea 3211 North Roan Street
Johnson City, TN 37601
(423) 722-5098
Government Information and Media Services, Vanderbilt University Frank Lester Central Library, Vanderbilt University
419 21st Avenue, South
Nashville, TN 37203-2427
(615) 322-2838
Greater Memphis Chamber Tecora Murray 100 Peabody Pl Suite 1000
Memphis, TN 38103
(901) 543-3500
Greater Nashville Regional Council Max Baker 501 Union Street, Suite 6
Nashville, TN 37219-1705
(615) 891-5867
Knoxville-Knox County Planning Terry Gilhula City-County Building, Suite 403
400 Main Street
Knoxville, TN  37902-2410
(865) 215-3829
Memphis and Shelby County Division of Planning and Development Shea Stock Carbognani 125 North Main Street
City Hall, Room 450
Memphis, TN 38103-2084
(901) 576-6601
Metropolitan Nashville Planning Department Nick Lindeman 800 Second Avenue South
PO Box 196300
Nashville, TN 37219-6300
(615) 862-7198
Midsouth Development District Laura Harris 110 Adams Avenue, Suite 500
Memphis, TN 38103
(901) 729-2871
Northwest Tennessee Development District Donny Bunton 124 Weldon Drive
Martin, TN 38237
(731) 587-4213
South Central Tennessee Development District Richard Stewart P.O. Box 1346
Columbia, TN 38402-1346
(931) 381-2040
Southeast Tennessee Development District Chuck Hammonds P.O. Box 4757
Chattanooga, TN 37405-0757
(423) 424-4264
Southwest Tennessee Development District Chris Pate 102 East College Street
Jackson, TN 38301
(731) 668-6430
Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury, Office of Local Government TJ Muzorewa 1700 James K. Polk Bldg
Nashville, TN 37243-0276
(615) 401-7793
Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development Cassie Stinson 312 Rosa L. Parks Ave., 27th Floor
Nashville, TN  37243
(615) 762-6638
The University of Memphis Libraries, Government Publications Department Perveen Rustomfram The University of Memphis
Memphis, TN 38152-3250
(901) 678-8203
The University of Tennessee Libraries Brianne Dosch The University of Tennessee
1015 Volunteer Blvd
Knoxville, TN 37996
(865) 974-4351
Upper Cumberland Development District Henry Bowman 1225 South Willow Avenue
Cookeville, TN 38506-4194
(931) 432-4111