5-year American Community Survey data straight to ArcGIS Pro maps and geodatabases. Any variable, any county, any state.
Randy Pullen, an analyst with the Chattanooga-Hamilton County Regional Planning Agency, has made it a lot easier to get tract-level American Community Survey data into ArcGIS Pro. His aptly named “Pullen Census Data Tool” is a geoprocessing toolbox that extracts any of the roughly 28,000 variables that are available from 5-Year American Community Survey. The tool can also automatically join the output data to a tract feature class and load it directly to a map.
Other features of the Python-based toolbox include:
- Download tract data for any number of counties within a single state
- Up to 50 variables in a single extraction (Census API limit)
- Select 5-year data from 2014 to 2020
- Extract data to a standalone table or tract-level feature class stored to a geodatabase

This custom ArcGIS Pro toolbox from the Chattanooga Regional Planning Agency loads U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey data directly to Esri ArcGIS Pro maps and geodatabases.
Download the toolbox from GitHub and be sure to catch Randy’s demo at our upcoming webinar on November 15th.