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The Tennessee State Data Center is a cooperative program of the State of Tennessee, The University of Tennessee and the U.S. Census Bureau. Data Centers in each state assist the Bureau by disseminating Census data, as well as other federal data sets and information.

The Boyd Center for Business and Economic Research at the University of Tennessee serves as the Lead Agency for the SDC program in the state. We work to provide access and education on timely demographic and economic data for citizens, businesses and government agencies in Tennessee.

Mission and competencies

Our mission is simple – to make Tennessee’s data users stronger

We are experts in accessing, understanding and disseminating data about Tennessee’s population, demographics and economy. We make data understandable and useful to citizens and agencies across the state, and will work continuously to find innovative ways to add value to Tennessee’s state and local government agencies.

Data Center Affiliates

We work with a statewide network of 18 affiliate agencies who we collaborate with on census and other population-related issues. Network members also assist in disseminating data and offer assistance within their communities.

Core competencies and work program

  1. State Data Users Annual Conference
  2. Information requests
  3. Data Center Affiliate Program
  4. Outreach and communication
  5. Special Census program administration
  6. Tennessee population projections
  7. Federal State Cooperative for Population Estimates
  8. Census 2020 support

U.S. Census Bureau State Data Center Program

U.S. Census Bureau State Data Center program logo identifying Prmier Local Partner statusThe State Data Center (SDC) program is one of the Census Bureau’s longest and most successful partnerships. The partnership was created to make data available locally.

The Census State Data Center (SDC) program is a State/Census Bureau cooperative program with a mission of providing efficient access to U.S. Census data and products; providing training and technical assistance to data users; and providing feedback to the Census Bureau on data usability, as well as state and local government data needs and operational issues. The State Data Center disseminates Census and other data to the public through a network of over 1,800 state and local agencies, libraries, universities, chambers of commerce and others. The State Data Centers are the official source of demographic, economic and social statistics, as well as redistricting data produced by the Census Bureau.

Federal State Cooperative for Population Estimates

logo for the Federal-State Cooperative for Population EstimatesThe Tennessee State Data Center serves as Tennessee’s representative to the Federal State Cooperative for Population Estimates (FSCPE). FSCPE has formally existed since 1967. FSCPE agencies in each state are designated by their respective governors to work with the U.S. Census Bureau’s Population Division to produce population estimates.

The country’s national, state, county and municipal population estimates are produced annually. They encompass information from the latest decennial census, along with administrative records from both federal and state agencies that are used to estimate the amount of population change. Federal agencies contribute tax records, Medicare records, and select vital statistics information. FSCPE agencies furnish county-level totals of births and deaths, information on the population residing in group quarters like college dorms, nursing homes, and prisons, and assess building permit activity across the state. The Census estimates are also sent to FSCPE agencies for review and comment.

In support of population estimate production for Tennessee, the State Data Center performs three annual activities:

  • Gathers vital statistics data from the Tennessee Department of Health
  • Compiles population totals for group quarters, including conducting an annual survey of college and university on-campus residents
  • Works with communities to review building permit activity that are used as inputs into subcounty population and housing unit estimates