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Federal-State Cooperative for Population Estimates

The Tennessee State Data Center serves as the state’s representative to the Federal State Cooperative for Population Estimates (FSCPE).

logo for the Federal-State Cooperative for Population EstimatesAs the state’s liaison to the FSCPE, we help to ensure that the Population Estimates produced by the U.S. Census Bureau are accurate and utilize the best and most recent data about Tennessee. On an annual basis, the State Data Center collects information used as inputs for state, county and municipal population estimates. We also review preliminary estimate releases and collaborate with other states as part of a nationwide network.

State and County Data Provided to Population Estimates Program

In support of U.S. Census Bureau Population Estimate production for Tennessee, the State Data Center performs three annual activities:

About the FSCPE

FSCPE has formally existed since 1967. FSCPE agencies in each state are designated by their respective governors to work with the U.S. Census Bureau’s Population Division to produce population estimates.

The country’s national, state, county and municipal population estimates are produced annually. They encompass information from the latest decennial census, along with administrative records from both federal and state agencies that are used to estimate the amount of population change.

Federal agencies contribute tax records, Medicare records, and select vital statistics information. FSCPE agencies furnish county-level totals of births and deaths, information on the population residing in group quarters like college dorms, nursing homes, and prisons, and assess building permit activity across the state. The Census estimates are also sent to FSCPE agencies for review and comment.