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Population Estimates

The population of the state, each of the 95 counties and incorporated cities and towns are captured in the federal decennial census on April 1st every 10 years. Between those periods, estimates of population and housing units are produced annually.

The US Census Bureau releases annual estimates of the resident population for the state, counties and municipalities. Through the Federal State Cooperative for Population Estimates (FSCPE), the Tennessee State Data Center provides data for Tennessee and reviews the estimates.

Tennessee Population Reports

Download our preformatted PDF tables with population data for states, Tennessee counties, cities and towns including 2010, 2020 decennial censuses and the most recent information from the Population Estimates program.

Population Estimate Dashboards

These interactive applications includes figures, maps and charts that from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Population Estimates.

Data from July 1, 2020 through the latest year in the population estimate series are included alongside information about births, deaths and net migration. Regional and state-level population “performance” indicators are also available.

Nation and State (v. 2023)

Tennessee Counties (v. 2023)

Screenshot of population estimates dashboard showing trends for the state of Tennessee

Release Schedule for Vintage 2023 Population Estimates

Annual Estimates Covering April 1, 2020 – July 1, 2023

Population estimates are released on a rolling basis, starting with state- and national-level data followed by increasingly detailed releases. Each year’s ‘vintage’ supersedes the prior year’s data as new decennial census data, administrative record data, geographic boundaries, and methodologies are incorporated.

The schedule for Vintage 2023 is planned as follows:

  • National and state population and demographic components of population change – Now Available!
  • County population and demographic components of population change – Now Available!
  • Subcounty (City and Town Population) – Now Available!
  • National state and county housing unit totals – Now Available!
  • Population by age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin for nation, state and counites  – Now Available!

Other Data from the U.S. Census Bureau

State population (v. 2023)

Estimates of U.S. resident and state populations are released each December. The totals represent the population on July 1st of each year. These U.S. Census Bureau files are in Microsoft Excel format.

Other state-level data, including characteristics such race, Hispanic ethnicity and age can be found on the Population and Housing Units section of the Census Bureau website.

Tennessee County population (v. 2023)

County-level data made available through Population Estimates Program includes characteristic totals for age, gender, race and Hispanic ethnicity. It also has detailed data on births, deaths and migration – known as the components of population change. The data are in Microsoft Excel formats.

Other county-level data, including characteristics such race, Hispanic ethnicity and age can be found on the Population and Housing Units section of the Census Bureau website.

Tennessee Cities and Towns (v. 2023)

Subcounty estimates are produced annually by the Census Bureau and are limited to the total resident population.