Tag Archives: migration

New Census Estimates Show Nashville-Davidson County Population Decrease in 2021
Did Nashville lose population last year? 2021 Population Estimate data from the US Census Bureau show that Davidson County, which is centered in fast-growing Middle Tennessee, ceded some of the 90,000 people it gained between 2010 and 2020. We take a close look at the numbers.

Net Migration Surge Boosts Tennessee Population in 2021; Natural Change Negative
2021 was one of the most dynamic years in population change in recent history. New data shows Tennessee’s population grew in 2021. Record net gains from domestic migration were offset by a rise in deaths and drop in births. We break down the early numbers.

Impact of COVID-19 on Population Migration Remains Unclear
The short-term health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic are fairly clear, but the effects on population migration are not. Some recent reports begin to provide insight into the effect on Tennessee migration trends.