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Data and Tools

Finding the right data can be a challenge. We’re here to help.

Thousands of data sources and retrieval tools are available from statistical agencies, educational institutions and the private sector. We’ve cataloged some of the best and most popular resources and, in some cases, shared information about how best to use them.

Tennessee Economic Indicators

How is Tennessee’s economy fairing compared to the US? What about the performance of counties and regions of the state? We offer a dashboard of leading indicators for the state and a report showing the latest county and regional information.

New Tools and Data Releases

Other Recent Data Updates

Screen shot of TNSDC population estimates dashboard New TNSDC Dashboard Unlocks Population Change Trends Across Tennessee October 18, 2023 Our new interactive dashboard provides access to the latest U.S. Census Bureau population estimate data. It includes visualizations and key indicators that offer valuable insights into Tennessee's county-level population trends. Learn more and try it for yourself.
County map of a a portion of Tennessee showing the Development Districts Tennessee County Geographic Classifier Reference File September 28, 2023 Looking to supercharge your county-level data analysis? Our provides essential Tennessee geographic classifications that can be integrated with your existing county data.
New Metropolitan and Micropolitan Area Boundaries Include Changes for Eight Tennessee Counties August 21, 2023 Federal statistical area boundaries were changed in July. The new metro areas, which are used in federal data products and for determining program eligibility, were last updated in 2018. We highlight the changes and what that means for Tennessee communities.

TNSDC ArcGIS Online Group

TNSDC applications, web maps and geographic information system data are available for use and download through the Esri ArcGIS Online platform.