Category Archives: Training

The “Sum-What” Amusing Task of Rounding to Control Totals
Rounding a series of decimal numbers to whole numbers can create situations where the sum of the rounded series no longer matches the original sum (control total). The Greatest Mantissa rounding algorithm is a simple and potential solution.

Faster Census Data Retrieval and Population Estimates Featured in Fall Webinars
Two events are on tap in November featuring Census Bureau experts that can help make you a data pro! All TNSDC webinars are free, but we do require registration. Read on for more details and to get registered.

2020 State Data Center Affiliate Meeting
The Tennessee State Data Center Affiliates met virtually on Monday, December 14, 2020. The 2-hour virtual session included project updates from State Data Center staff and affiliate agency representatives about ongoing work across the state.

Want to Access Census Bureau Statistics? Custom Training Available
If you want to learn about using these data products for business planning, grant proposals, research projects, municipal planning and more, there are free resources and training available for Tennessee data users.

Registration Open for the TNSDC Fall Webinar Series Events
Registration is now open for the Tennessee State Data Center’s Fall Webinar Series. We’ve lined up a slate of three events focused on helping you be ready for next year’s 2020 Census data releases that are scheduled for March, 2021.

New Microdata Access Tool Covered in June 18 Webinar
Microdata is a set of individual responses to the American Community Survey that have been anonymized. Why should microdata matter to you? Because it can be used to create custom tables about population and households in combinations that are not found in pre-compiled tables.

2020 Data Users Webinar Series Announced; RSVP now!
Accessing Census microdata (individual survey responses) is challenging without special software or expertise. But MDAT, the new Census Bureau Microdata Access Tool, unlocks this incredibly powerful data in a new web-based interface.

Tennessee Data Users Conference wrap up!
Thanks to everyone across the state who gathered in Nashville on October 22nd for our 2019 Conference. We had a great turnout with about a 100 people in attendance throughout the day. Slide decks from all our presenters have been posted to the website.

2019 Data Users Conference Registration is Open!
The State Data Center’s annual conference is just two months away. Reserve your seat for a full day conference focused on data topics, tools and techniques relevant to Tennessee data users.

Save the Date: 2019 Tennessee State Data Users Conference
Begin making plans to attend the SDC’s annual conference this fall. We’ll be returning to Nashville for our free, one-day event with presentations, speakers and networking opportunities.