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Tennessee State Data Center

We’re experts in accessing, understanding and disseminating data about Tennessee. We make it understandable and useful to citizens, businesses and agencies across the state.


Nashville Rebounds and Tennessee’s Midsize Cities Shine in 2023 Population Estimates September 25, 2024 We stepped back to examine how population changes across Tennessee's 345 cities and towns have unfolded over this decade and found the state's midsized cities leading the pack. That comes as Nashville claimed the top spot as the state's fastest-gaining in 2022 and 2023.
Grandpa lifts grandchild into air Boyd Center Projects Tennessee Population to Hit 7.94 Million by 2040 August 7, 2024 An older and increasingly diverse population headline our latest population projection release for the state. Read our breakdown and learn how to access more detailed county-level information.
Hispanic and Middle Eastern Race Categories Added in New Federal Rules April 23, 2024 The federal government is fundamentally changing how data on race and ethnicity is collected and reported. We overview the new rules that will likely be one of the most consequential changes data users have seen in the last few decades.

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TNSDC Toplines

$1,228 in Annual Home Insurance Costs

was the median premium paid by Tennessee homeowners in 2023, slightly under the $1,244 national level. An analysis of a new variable released with the 2023 American Community Survey shows Tennessee rates run mid-pack nationally (27th). Hurricane-prone Florida’s $1,960 median payment led the nation, followed by Colorado ($1,891) and Oklahoma ($1,798). Louisiana and three Great Plains states followed, suggesting a close relationship between storms and home coverage. Williamson County’s state-topping median home value of $778,000 led Tennessee’s county rankings ($1,760).

8.5 Percent of People Moved to Different Residence

in 2023, according to Census Bureau Mobility and Migration estimates. 25.6 million people moved last year, with 54 percent relocating within the same county and 77 percent within the same state. The mover rate has steadily declined since the mid-1980s when it peaked at 20 percent of the population relocating annually. While the rate and number of movers both sit at their lowest levels since the measure began in 1948, the proportion of movers relocating to another state (17.5 percent in 2023) has steadily increased since 2010 when the measure bottomed out at the tail of the great recession.

Featured Tools

County Population Estimate Dashboard
Our County Population Estimates and Components of Change Dashboard provides county- and regional-level population insights from 2020 through the latest year in the estimate series. Data about population and components of change are included, along with regional and state-level tallies of key performance indicators.
Just added! State and National Population Estimates Dashboard (v. 2024)

2023 Core-based Statistical Area Comparison
In July 2023, the White House Office of Management and Budget announced changes to the nation’s Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Area boundaries. This app lets you explore what counties have moved between areas since the last major update in 2018.

Center of Population of U.S. States and Counties
This interactive application shows the mean center of population for each state and county in the U.S. in 2000, 2010 and 2020. The application visualizes the degree of population shift each decade using lines that connect the center to its prior location.