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Population Estimates 101


2022 Fall Webinar Series Event 2

November 29, 2022 at 11 AM ET/10 AM CT

The Census Bureau’s population estimates are used in federal funding allocations, as survey controls, as denominators for economic indicators and vital rates. The annual release of population estimate data is one of the most indicators for measuring population and demographic changes in our state.


This webinar provides an overview of a variety of topics related to estimates production, including the cohort-component method, what is a vintage, how boundary changes are applied, and much more. You also learn how Tennessee’s state and local data are incorporated into the annual estimates of population for states, counties and municipalities.

Presented by

Luke Rogers
Chief, Population and Estimates Branch
Population Division
U.S. Census Bureau

More about the Presentation

The Census Bureau’s Population Estimates Program (PEP) produces estimates of the population for the United States, its states, counties, cities, and towns. Demographic components of population change (births, deaths, and migration) are produced at the national, state, and county levels of geography. Additionally, housing unit estimates are produced for the nation, states, and counties.

PEP annually utilizes current data on births, deaths, and migration to calculate population change since the most recent decennial census and produce a time series of estimates of population, demographic components of change, and housing units. The annual time series of estimates begins with the most recent decennial census data and extends to the vintage year.