Communities who have uncovered processing errors in the 2020 Census Redistricting data are now able to submit cases to the Count Question Resolution (CQR) program. CQR is a narrow program designed primarily to address three types of processing errors from the 2020 Census
- Incorrect corporate limits
- Housing units reported in the wrong census block
- Group quarters reported in the wrong census block
It’s important to note that the CQR program cannot address errors where housing units or group quarters were missed or incorrectly enumerated during the 2020 Census.
Be sure to watch our November webinar where Census Bureau CQR Chief Matt Frates provides a program overview to learn more.
2020 Census Miscounts Program for Campus Housing and Nursing Homes Floated
There is also information about a new program designed to address 2020 Census counting errors at group quarter (GQ) facilities. The proposed Post Census Group Quarters Challenge (PCGQR) was outlined in a November 18, 2021 Federal Register notice and would operate separately from the CQR program.
In some cases, residents at college dormitories, nursing homes and assisted living facilities relocated during the early part of the COVID-19 pandemic creating confusion about where residents were counted in the 2020 Census. Correct enumerations counted people at their usual place of residence – the GQ where they resided prior to the disruption.
The proposed PCGQR program would provide a mechanism for state, county and local governments to address potential miscounts. When errors are found, a corrected resident roster from the GQ would be securely submitted to the Census Bureau. If approved, the governmental unit would receive a new certified population for use by Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development and in Bureau products such as the Population Estimate Program and American Community Survey.
Comments on the PCGQR program are due January 18. If enacted, it’s expected that the program would open in late spring, 2022.