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Help Promote the 2020 Census for your Campus

U Count at College LogoGetting college students counted in the 2020 Census is important for your community and the State of Tennessee. But, gathering their required responses can take some some extra work, especially since many have left campus in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Even if students have returned to their parents’ home, they’re still counted as part of the campus community!

Key Takeaways for College Campuses

  • Unless a student lives at home during the school year, they are counted at their on or off-campus college residence, regardless of where they are living now.
  • Colleges work the U.S. Census Bureau to submit a Group Quarters e-Response for students who were living on campus in dormitories, fraternities and sororities
  • Students living off-campus may have missed their census invitation if they moved home, but they can complete their questionnaire at; the 12-digit Census ID is not required.

“U” Count at College – Promoting the Census on your campus

We have created several promotional pieces, including social media graphics and email communications, to help you get the word out on your campus. Feel free to add your campus colors or logos: Google Drive with InDesign and Illustrator files, PDFs, social graphics

Letters to Students

These sample email communications are tailored to on-campus and off-campus students. Download the communications and adapt as needed to fit your campus style. Special effort to encourage your off-campus students to participate in the 2020 Census is needed all across the state.

On-campus resident living elsewhere and transitioned to online Classes

Students who have moved away from their on-campus, university-owned residence halls, fraternities or sororities should still be counted as part of the Census Bureau’s Group Quarters operation. Colleges are advised to complete an eResponse. This communication is a courtesy letter informing them that administrative records, maintained by the college or university were submitted on their behalf in accordance with FERPA.

Download the Letter

Off-campus residents

If off-campus students can be reached directly via email, we suggest a minimum of two communications encouraging their participation. These students are counted at the address where they normally would have lived during the school year, regardless of whether they have moved back to a permanent residence or are still living at their off-campus campus house or apartment. The only exception are students who live with a parent or guardian during the school year.

Download Letter 1

Download Letter 2

Customizable graphics for print, web and social media

We’ve created a series of graphics materials under the CC0 licensing which you are free to download, use and adapt to your campus’ needs.


Terms of Use

These materials are offered under CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication license and carry no copyright or attribution requirements. You can copy, modify and distribute the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.


To the extent possible under law, Tennessee State Data Center and the Boyd Center for Business and Economic Research have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the “U” Count Here! Census 2020 promotional campaign.
This work is published from:  United States.